
oops! Rocky Horror Picture Show and Hairspray are being re-made. and DON'T try to tell me that Hairspray has already been re-made, cause i don't call john travolta dangling his balls around under a dress a re-make. i actually never saw the 're-make' of hairspray and have no intentions of seeing it's sequal. and as for Rocky Horror? i mean, i'm reallly not a fan of midnight showings of the classic because all of the lame nu kids completley whore it out and make it a cheap excuse to dress slutty, which normally i am allll about, but not when class isn't involved. so for now, im going to pretend that i know nothing about this, pretend to be in a coma hwile the two are in theatres, and just pray to jewish that Clockwork Orange is never re done cause if it is, and i am not cast as ~dreamboat~ Alex DeLarge, im going hindu and moving to a nunnary in the USSR.

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