romayo and julieta

while i do love tchaikovskey's romeo and juliet overture, it is the beginning, the waxing of the, what is it, the woodwinds and strings?, that is so captivating. the consonance. 'star-crossed', has nothing to do with it; it is the friar, the friar saying 'listen', in this symphonic poem. and then the minors and the key changes, everything before the cymbal. but i could never get past the 6 minute mark. the main theme is too beautiful, and i completely blame Pytor for romanticizing and exploiting shakespere's subplot. i find the main theme obvious thanks to pop culture and the way they underscore it in first encounters between boys and girls. romeo and juliet isn't about love, we know that. it's about testosterone and politics. if you want to talk about love, let's talk about Wagner. i may delete this in the morning aka i'm drunk, which gives me the right to talk about this thing i know nothing about.

happy halloween

i just got drunk and decided to facebook stalk my mexican cousins. do you think i look mexican?
*in my Donnie Whalberg Sixth Sense voice* i do.



hello all you gay people. gay is in the air today, i tell you what. i'm kinda drunk on Chillable, if you know what i mean. just ate some toast, which in my extremely humble opinion is the second greatest invention, if we're still using the sliced bread scale. i'm listening to N*Sync singing O holy Night (my all time fave cut) while pre gamin for the season premiere of American Horror story, all while trying to work on a short story about valentines day. i had such high hopes for today. it's the first time i've seen daylight since sunday, you know...workin doubles, gettin rich. but i had the afternoon off today and i was going to do laundry, exercise, cancel my generous monthly contribution to Save the Children, but all i did was call this one guy i did it with once and then watch an ESPN special on UK basketball. oh well. you win some, you lose some, and i would definitely say that today, i have won some.


these are some good books, you can pick them up at your local library. you know what, they may even be available at Target.


you know how everyone has that one friend who doesn't dress well, but they're still cool? well i am that one friend, because i am not dressed head to toe in Gucci for these cool autumn months. don't let me be that friend, buy me these things:


i'm not okay

hello. i just went to the grocery store. i hate the grocery store. i started yelling at this lady in the organic aisle, or as i like to call it, the asshole aisle. asshole aisle number 2 is the produce section, u know, vegetables and things. i really don't like it when people try to force their beliefs on me, and whenever someone else is in the organic aisle with me, i take it personally. it's like, just go home and take your multi vitamins in private, you know? so my mom had to calm me down by buying me an energy drink and telling me to go wait outside and smoke a cigarette. we're home now and she keeps checking on me. I'M NOT OKAY.
Donna knows how i feel, don't you gurl?


The Abortion

speaking of as constant as a northern star... this song was recently added to the ever uplifting TJMaxx soundtrack. i started writing a screenplay around it. the screenplay is about these young and attractive male and female. the male gets the female pregnant and she has to have an A word (abortion). she doesn't really care that much, but he's kinda bothered by it. this song is playing in the waiting room while she's feeling out the paper work. she's bored and keeps getting distracted by her new manicure, and he's troubled and staring at her and remembering 'all the good times'. at one point there is a lap dance, but it should be unclear whether this is a memory, or really happening. but let's be real, this girl would totally give her baby daddy a lap dance in the abortion clinic lobby. to help you imagine the scene, the walls are a pale 'sleazy diner' yellow and the lights are fluorescent. the choreography to the lap dance is an exact replication of Butterfly's in Death Proof

case of you

here's a recording of me singing 'Case of you' by Joni Mitchell

gin and juice minus the juice

The most darling of diamonds, tell me why my apartment complex be smellin like KFC biscuits. so i just got home from the grocery store. i feel bad, because at 7 pm there was supposed to be a 10 second world wide meditation, but i was at the store tryna pick up some strange. The Cincinnati Reds lost tonight, apparently the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to sports, but it's not really a surprise cause it's Cincinnati. The VP debate is tonight, which makes me nostalgic for my youth in which i spent many hours in campaign offices playing with the trash/waiting at home by myself for my mother to drunkenly come home from some fundraiser. but 4 reals, i did get to go to the Chaney/Lieberman debate back in '00 and it was chill. i had a broken ankle and i was wearing a lime green turtle neck with brown mary-janes. i got to shake Joe Lieberman's hand, and from there on out for about 8 years, i was obsessed with him. like, i won the middle school 'most political' award at graduation because of the numerous essays i had voluntarily written on ol Joe and his unprecedented judaic strides in politics. really though i just thought all of the attention was super glam. anyway. gotsta go get my gin and tonics (aka shots of gin) ready for the debunkle. remember, tipping is not a city in China. here's a recent picture of me and my boo and my boo boo riding. i post this picture because, while, it was taken a week ago, i'm wearing the exact same thing right now. so now you're closer to me, closer to god.
and here's a song to describe the Reds losing today; Soo Cincinnati.