gin and juice minus the juice

The most darling of diamonds, tell me why my apartment complex be smellin like KFC biscuits. so i just got home from the grocery store. i feel bad, because at 7 pm there was supposed to be a 10 second world wide meditation, but i was at the store tryna pick up some strange. The Cincinnati Reds lost tonight, apparently the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to sports, but it's not really a surprise cause it's Cincinnati. The VP debate is tonight, which makes me nostalgic for my youth in which i spent many hours in campaign offices playing with the trash/waiting at home by myself for my mother to drunkenly come home from some fundraiser. but 4 reals, i did get to go to the Chaney/Lieberman debate back in '00 and it was chill. i had a broken ankle and i was wearing a lime green turtle neck with brown mary-janes. i got to shake Joe Lieberman's hand, and from there on out for about 8 years, i was obsessed with him. like, i won the middle school 'most political' award at graduation because of the numerous essays i had voluntarily written on ol Joe and his unprecedented judaic strides in politics. really though i just thought all of the attention was super glam. anyway. gotsta go get my gin and tonics (aka shots of gin) ready for the debunkle. remember, tipping is not a city in China. here's a recent picture of me and my boo and my boo boo riding. i post this picture because, while, it was taken a week ago, i'm wearing the exact same thing right now. so now you're closer to me, closer to god.
and here's a song to describe the Reds losing today; Soo Cincinnati.

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