
…and the dawn don’t rescue me no more…


Merry Fifthmas!!

it's snowing in cincinnati. i'm pretty drunk. i'm going to the annual Merry Fifthmas paty tonight. i'm gunna either dress in jungle or military theme, i haven't decided yet. but i DO know that i'm gunna get real ghetto with my nails. red sparkly with rhinestones. better get started, it's almost 5 o clock!!!! but in the meantime i'm gunna go sit in my cold bedroom and listen to the romeo and juliet soundtrack and recite the lines i had as Lord Montague when i was 13 years old, not gunna lie, i'll probably cry. not cause i'm sad, but that's what you do on Merry Fifthmas (even though it's the 4th). paint your fingernails, get drunk, and cry. PEACE (on earth).

Patrick Doyle's 'The Wedding Night'

i really wanna lose my virginity to this song



hello. i just got home from school. it was FANTASTIC today. i missed my first class, and then i skipped my second class so i could go to the other section of my first class. it turns out that the second section is behind my section. do you want me to use the word section again? section. now i'm home. my brother just walked up behind me and set a beer in front of me. that's what i'm talkin about. now i'm double fisting the beer and several hour old coffee. gotta catch em while you can! about to go to work. luckily there are no sections at work.

since it's december time now, i think it is appropriato to share my sweet halloween pix. My brother simon was Tom Cruise, my friend Sam was Katie Holmes, and i was SURI!!! Suri Cruise is so cool!!!!!


happy monday night!!

hello! the picture above is of my dragqueen friend, Ava Clear. we're not realllly friends, just facebook friends! it is monday night, so do you know what that means?!?! GOSSIP GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! it also means that i have to finish my take home astronomy test which is due in the morning. luckily for my astronomy teacher, i also have an entire bottle of $3 crane lake wine to finish tonight. i will start on that as soon as i finish this Kentucky Pale Ale beer that i'm drinkin, the official beer of the 2010 World Equestrian Games. look at me droppin names like i have friends or something.

and here's a picture of me dressed as a pumpkin.


only girl

rihanna. rihhhannnnna. what does that name mean to you? it didn't mean anything to me, so i typed it into Google. this video came up. i like rihanna. i want her hair. i want to eat it.



hello. i just got a mint mocha frapuccino from starbucks. i am severely lactose intolerant. get ready for a good show. like this Tibi show, for example.


oh my god.

these shoes are what you see before you die. are you fucking kidding me. it's like looking at those goldfish that look like they are about to explode from tumors. NAGL.

ps. do not google 'tumor'.


mixing food and drink; tasting meat without actually eating it

at the begining of the summer, my brother, my friend sam and myself decided we were going to get hobbies. i suggested we work on trying not to make 'the face' when we take a drink of an alcoholic beverage. since then, i have turned 21, and not only have i gotten rid of 'the face', my face no longer express any emotions what so ever. now i feel it is time to move on. in the past couple months i have started mixing and matching different edible or at least swallowable things to see what the after taste reminds me of. and no you sickos, nothing phallic, at least, not yet. so tonight i had an indian tv dinner and BBC nut brown beer, immidietly followed by a camel turkish royal cigarette. this created the aftertaste of porkchops. last night i mixed German Riesling and morningstar vegetarian breaded chicken. this created a nice ketchup sensation. mixing Rockstar energy drink and Pallmall cigarettes equals a tequilla shot, etc. you get the idea. so good morning, world! wish me luck on my new hobby. i plan on trying to make a weekly installation titled 'mixing food and drink; tasting meat without actually eating it'. ps. i'm drunk.


i live for one day of the week. its called thirsty thirsday, and it takes place in the PREMIERE entertainment district of Covington, Ky (so says the flier i was handed today @ skewl). unfortunatly, i am already drunk, it is raining outisde, and i live 2 towns away. but you know, what, everyday is thirsty thursday when you're a drunk, and that's exactly what i am. so lets just pretend it's wednesday and get this show on the road.


i really really really really like that there is an 'emotional musicals' category on netflix.

this is it.

this is what i want my children to look like.


ne1 wanna smoke a spliff and sneak in late to this movie?

chuck bass


30 story wooden building begins construction.
the unsolved ciphers of the Zodiac Killer.
humans only use 10% of their brains. proven true.
tiny robot eye imitates human eye.
mice prefer treats they worked harder to get.
replacing the kilogram.
toddler falls six floors unhurt.
Chilean miner to compete in marathon.
dolphins teaching each other how to walk on water.
Mandrill gives zoo visitors the finger.
Swiss Family Robinson tree found.
Human oil(and other hoaxes).
death by caffeine.
the garden of the monsters.
scientists make progress in growing giant insects.
dinosaur skull found in church wall.
RIP Paul the Oracle Octopus.
is the universe a holographic illusion?
forgotten cremains of Oregon's mentally ill.