mixing food and drink; tasting meat without actually eating it

at the begining of the summer, my brother, my friend sam and myself decided we were going to get hobbies. i suggested we work on trying not to make 'the face' when we take a drink of an alcoholic beverage. since then, i have turned 21, and not only have i gotten rid of 'the face', my face no longer express any emotions what so ever. now i feel it is time to move on. in the past couple months i have started mixing and matching different edible or at least swallowable things to see what the after taste reminds me of. and no you sickos, nothing phallic, at least, not yet. so tonight i had an indian tv dinner and BBC nut brown beer, immidietly followed by a camel turkish royal cigarette. this created the aftertaste of porkchops. last night i mixed German Riesling and morningstar vegetarian breaded chicken. this created a nice ketchup sensation. mixing Rockstar energy drink and Pallmall cigarettes equals a tequilla shot, etc. you get the idea. so good morning, world! wish me luck on my new hobby. i plan on trying to make a weekly installation titled 'mixing food and drink; tasting meat without actually eating it'. ps. i'm drunk.

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