clap them thighs

last night my friend matt was telling me about this amazing group of upstanding young citizens who perform at little kids' birthday parties. they are so talented and apparently if the price is right they will fly anywhere in the world from miami. i turn 21 in two weeks. they would fit in perfectly with my jose cuervo sponsored party at Chuck E Cheeze.



“Raggare” is a Swedish sub-culture made up of a delightful mix of the style of a’50s greaser, the corpulence and bad hygiene of a biker, the love of the Confederate flag of a southern redneck, and the enthusiasm for drinking of a British soccer hooligan. Basically, every stereotype about poor white trash spanning both time and globe, rolled into one.

it's funny, i was just at IKEA this morning. i drove all the way up there and all i got was a 99 cent pizza cutter. those fuckin swedes.
the faster times


stephen king and i are blood sisters.

I write like
Stephen King

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

based on my last queenpinkdiamond update, i write like Stephen King! the master himself. apparently Stephen King failed vocab tests and doesn't know a pronoun from a verb... just like me!!!!!

sorry precious baby queenpinkdiamond!!! my computer is in a temporary coma. it thinks it is asleep when it is actually awake. that's what a coma is, right? anyway, i have been occasionaly checking my FB on my mom's desktop, and the idea of updating from her computer is... well, depressing. so here i am, depressed, and i have never felt better!! woooo eeeee.

where's my drink