
when i was 14, i developed a slight crush on Barbara Streisand due to the cross town high school doing a really good staging of Hello Dolly. It was funny cause Dolly was played by this girl (Ky Junior Miss winner '04) who had a really big nose and very much resembled Babs. and she was mega talented. so this sparked my interested and for a fleeting moment was obsessed with miss Streisand. then my freshman year in college, i was drunk some night with my good pal Aaron who as well has a thing for the diva. He you-tubed her all night long, which some how led to us on a patio holding hands with Judy Garland's spirit, but i guess that is a story for another time. long story short, Barbie is absolutely fabulous and timeless, and her strangeness still intrigues me, and this fall in my musical theatre performance class, i plan to only sing Babs ballads (and when hers aren't appropriate, to dabble with carol channing, leading to the inevitable channing/streisand hello dolly mash up). here is a video of Barbara i found on Style...a work in progress, which really high-lights the oddity that is Barbara Streisand. and below is one of Barbara's first televsion appearnces, which i am currently working on re-creating for my musical theatre performance class. im going to be a star!!!

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