twins turn 23 here.

TODAY, on QUEEN PINK DIAMOND: i'm hungover. my very first hangover of my 23rd year. also maybe the gayest hangover ever. my hangover is full out homo. last night i drank a 44 ounce margarita, 2 double tall gin and tonics, a martini, and a glass of wine, which for me is hardly any alcohol at all so i dun get it. last night was a riot cause i always have riots, but it was a birthday riot. my favorite part of the evening was when some guy walked up to me at the bar and said 'you are so pretty. i like your hair and your clothes and your glasses and the way you talk and your hair.' at least i think he said hair twice. some people say that twitter is the humble brag capital of the internet, but i say it is Queen Pink Diamond. anyway. 23 is strange and awkward and i am now officially out of excuses. pop punk was right when it said 'nobody likes you when you're 23', cause how can people like you when you don't like yourself? just kidding. i like myself. probably too much. here's a sweet pic of me and my bro reluctantly turning 23:
p.s. does anyone watch The Killing?

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