
hello blog. i think i'm having an identity crisis, but only because i am SOOOO BORED omg. my mother is in the other room saying that she's going to stop watching network news because it is too conservative, but all i'm hearing is 'i'm going to stop eating yeast because i'm vegan'. i don't like it when people have opinions about things, especially when i'm having an identity crisis. it is saturday evening, and the sky a lovely blue. the wind is blowing and the waves are waving, and i also haven't eaten since 1972, but who's counting? there is a party tonight, which is normally what i live for, but it is the first party of the semester, and i no longer belong to semesters. i was ex-communicated from semesters and first of the semester parties when i graduated from college. so what now? do i quilt? add to my list of potential baby names? go grocery shopping? YES. that is what i will do, go to a bar. GOD, you're such a life saver, Queen Pink Diamond. In the meantime, i think i will just sit here and wait for some black boys to message me on OkCupid. i love black boys. here's a picture of me a couple months ago when i was still young and vulnerable. not nos more :(

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