
Dear Obama, barackkkkkkkkkkkkkk obama. if i ever have a kid i'm going to name him/her Baraaaaaack Obamaaaaaa. i am currently on my lunch break of a 40 hour work week, and by that i mean, i am off until 9 am tomorrow, and i'm going to spend the majority of this free time eating. Just got home from taking my momsickle to da blood clinic, always fun. actually, this was my first time taking her cause my brother usually takes her, and he promised me that Everybody Loves Raymond would be playing in the lobby, which it wasn't, so now i feel like i can never trust public healthcare or my brother again. that's a promise!!! OkCupid, my favorite free website, deleted my account AGAIN. i'm assuming they deleted it... every time i try to log on, it says 'we are currently experiencing technical difficulties' which is some bullshit cause the world would probably stop if OkCupid were truly down for 3 days. But i think they dumped me cause some guy messaged me asking if i was really 14, and i said 'no i'm 15'. but it's like... of course i'm not 14. i didn't even know what dating was when i was 14, much less the internet....kids these days.... they've got everything. cell phones, daddies, OkCupid. what's next? clean clothes? whatever. here's a picture of me and my brother and some gay guys at a gay bar we were at this past gay weekend. cause every weekend is a gay weekend when you have a BFA in theatre...
look at me, i'm an angel.

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