bye bye hangovers

hey gurl. it is the dawn of Tuesday, the 1st of June, 1966. it looks like it's going to be another scorcher. i've drank every day this week. one night, i drank so much that i ended up at the Covington water front, drinking a 40 and talking about jazz with this beautiful bronze statue. he won the conversation, i don't know anything about jazz. but it was nice, you know? meeting someone who will listen to me when i have nothing to say. i guess my point it, i have discovered the cure to hangovers. but i don't know if i should tell you. it's kind of like how scientists have the cure to cancer, but it would ruin the economy if they disclosed it, so they just gunna sit on it. ok, you convinced me, ill tell you. it's simple, you just have to paint your nails, curl your hair, and eat about 1/4 of a cucumber after you've been drinking and before you go to sleep (the nails and the hair may be optional, the results on that are still inconclusive). i've been experimenting this week, and have found that no matter what you mix, you don't have to worry. So Edward Albee/Richard Burton/Virgina Woolf, i'm loookin at you right now. Someday, 'never mix, never worry' will be studied and analyzed in schools as a primitive ideology that was just simply suppressing the welfare of americans all over the world. So try it! the other night i mixed gin beer vodka and played 'kill it' with a bottle of rum that i stole from an 18 year old, ate some cucumber until i passed out, then woke up the next morning welcoming the sun. cause the sun isn't your enemy, when you're not hungover.
Honey's pissed.

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