Marit Fujiwara

i honestly don't think i have ever seen any fashion this pretty. ok that sentence didn't come off very well. blogz is stupid.


this IS fashion. this IS art. really. look at the details. this reminds me of when i was a wee little irish girl in ireland irish dancing and i had saved up for 3 years to get an original irish dance dress then i realized you had to sew it yourself so i stayed up for 5 days straight sewing so i could fit in with the rich uptight bitch girls in my class. except this is times a billion. personally, i don't think this is achievable without massive amounts of drugs and late night rendevouz with rihchard burton, but hey, i'm not some prodigy 13 year old chinese factory worker creating dresses with elbow grease with the light of a single candle. i don't know if this person is either, but it's never to early to speculate.

i am still being reminded of What Dreams May Come. what dreams may CUM. yuuup.

you can read about it Style Bubble. I didn't!

these pieces are titled, cake, skeleton, cake 2, and dress, respectively.

here is an irish dance dress.

here is a BAD ASS irish dance dress that unfortunately was not mine :(

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