
so uh, i was just peroozing the pages of eHarmony. i mean eLuxury. same thing though. ya know? they are both false advertising meant for ugly people who really aren't good enough for what they are seeing on the screen. i know that sounds extreme, but i haven't been able to afford my prozac for almost a month, so what do you expect?

4 some reason (maybe recession), EVERYTHING at eLUXURY is 40% off, and from my good math skills from repeating the class only 3 times in high school, i think that means everything is almost half off.

here are some cute Marc Jacobs things, which for the past couple of years i have not cared for at all, but he has found a good dark model straight from the motherland to model his not very cute clothes, which somehow make them lok a lot better than everything else on the site. at the risk of sounding ethnocentric, here you go:

this one reminds me personally of BELOVED by toni angelou, but then again, since i was forced to read the novel, most things that aren't fabrige eggs or polo tournaments do.

hot pink is the next big color. i know it! watch and see!

i guess this is a good deal at 40% off, if you're into wearing ...labels... i would NEVER.

and finally, i think this cardigan is very cuuute, so that's why i'm heading to american apparel tomorrow to pick it up. ok great!

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