
here is a picture from the charlotte rampling ad campaign for marc jacobs. along with the picture, i found this quote

Most fashion photography is done by gay people finding women sexy, which is sort of not sexy at all, at least to a heterosexual man. She’s so retouched, so airbrushed, without any human response at all, and, well, you don’t really want to fuck a doll.” -juergen teller.

this is so interesting cause my mom has told me this my entire life, but she told me to never repeat it cause it would piss people off. her friend bradley told her, and he was told by Divine. Divine told bradley that gay men don't like women and want to cryptically do mean things to them so they look ugly. haha. it's true! and the same goes for female hair cuts. gay minds are generally the mecca of cutting edge hair, which really gives them a lot of power to do both horrible and beautiful things. i think it's all really funny, and will never let anyone other than my mom style me or my hair.

read more at the imagist.

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